Spedizione e Trasporto | SiWeGO
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blablacar dei trasporti, trasporto condiviso

The new way to

We fill the unused spaces of the means of transport that crowd our streets every day.
vuoi Spedire risparmiando

Do you want to send a package?

Vuoi guadagnare trasportando merci

Do you want to transport a package?

Download our free app.

Ship and transport items across Europe. Reduce costs and delivery times.

Get refunded for your travel expenses.

You are un citizen want to send
or carry?

Sei a company che

has the need

to ship?

You are un conveyor 

professional or a master?

SeWeGo Easy

What SiWeGO does for you

Are you a citizen that wants to send
or carry?

Are you a company that

has the need

to send?

Are you a master or a professional trasporter ?

Why SiWeGO exists

To solve a problem in the logistics of the transport market:

spazio nei mezzi di trasporto vuoti che possono generare denaro

Means of transport travel empty.

soluzione ai veicoli che viaggiano vuoti

Vehicles travel empty creating 10,000 km of traffic.

veicoli che viaggiano sulle nostre strade

Vehicles traveling on our roads.

media persone in macchina

On average 1.33 people per car.

carburante bruciato

Fuel burned.

SiWeGO puts those who have to ship in contact with the transporters who are already

on the same route as your package, reducing:

ridurre costi inutili

Empty vehicles on the road.

The unnecessary costs.

ridurre problema traffico

The km of traffic on our roads.

ridurre problema emissioni CO2
ridurre incidenti stradali

CO2 emissions.

Road accidents.

Fidati della Community di SiWeGO

​Ci prendiamo del tempo per conoscere meglio tutti gli utenti della

nostra Community:

 Controlliamo profili, documenti e feedback.

In questo modo, potrai sentirti sicuro di spedire la tua merce

oppure di trasportare quella di altri.

In totale tranquillità, grazie a SiWeGO.​

trasporto sicuro e veloce

You can subscribe from our site
but the App is always with you

Ship and transport items across Europe.

Reduce costs and delivery times.

Get refunded for your travel expenses.

Download the App


The advantages of SiWeGO

Quick and easy search

Find the right service for you. Search for a transport by leaving your post or offer a transport.

Travel and get a refund

You decide the contribution for the trip and every first of the month you receive your bank transfer.

Real Time Matching

Contact and bargain directly with the person or carrier who is already on the route of your interest.


Through community feedback you always know who is in front of you.

Same day delivery

Same day shipment and delivery. Your package can reach its destination even in a few hours.

Secure transactions

100% Safe and certified payment systems that respects your privacy.

Leggi cosa dice di noi chi è in Community

Eugenia S.

Applicazione molto affidabile, consegna rapida ed economica. Si gestisce tutto attraverso la chat. Super consigliata!

Do you have a request?

                       Write here your request                      

Consegna Box al cliente
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